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N'importe quoi or the new aesthetic order

I have to strongly disagree with the aesthetic choices of today's world. It seems to me that we live in an era that turns its back on beauty constantly, in all domains. The Internet, and particularly those wonderful social media are an infinite display of ugly (and silly). It's unfortunate that nowadays one has to go through this universal kindergarten to make a decent living.

I don't understand people's admiration for absolutely ridiculous fashion shows or absurd contemporary "art".

Architecture-wise, it's all about incongruous angles, clunky concrete and the cult of black. Why? I understand some might like this "style", but praising it like a new universal elegance is far-fetched. Is it the need of a renewal, the urge to stand out from what's been done so far, even if this includes beauty and convenience? Or is it just a total lack of inspiration?

Same when it comes to cooking. Is the main thing to "invent something new", to be the creator of something, even if it's unappetizing and might not even taste good ? I'm willing to try new things, but there are boundaries. There's a French phrase that I love and that is a bit tricky to translate into English: "N'importe quoi". Most of the time "anything" will fit. But there's more to it. And the perfect example of a situation in which you have to scream: "N'importe quoi !" is when you see someone pour caramel on a fish that's been marinated in beetroot juice or I don't know what. And don't forget the miso. There you go "N'importe quoi !!". I believe this phrase has actually been created just to express your outrage in this type of situation.

History is a constant flip-flop of styles. But today's world has pushed it to the extreme. In the 80s we had the supermodels. They were slim but not skinny. Then in the 00s we got skinny depressed porte-manteaux, probably to prove a useless point. And now, we are shown obese women and told that's the new norm. Nope. Obese is obese, that's nothing but a disease... Sorry America.

I take nature pictures because what I see on the screens around me is repellant and often quite disgusting. Again, I understand not everybody's got a soft spot for Palladio, Chu Teh- Chun or a sober, undeconstructed, "éclair à la vanille". Not everybody can care about a simple, but utterly beautiful, bee on a flower. But I find it extremely sad to see the sustained horror show we are served these days. It's not decadence, as it would rhyme with elegance, it's just n'importe quoi...

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